Remember Me Gifts and Handmade by Remember Me

Pet Toy Finds and More!

What are Winnie's favorite toys and recommendations for Amazon Prime?

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Mustard Seed Faith vs Ye of Little Faith

Faith that Grows!

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Wedding Memorial - In Loving Memory Wedding Ideas

We know you would be here today if Heaven weren't so far away!

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Do Not Worry About Tomorrow - Bible Verse Matthew 6:26

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow - Bible Verse Matthew 6:26

One of my favorite bible verses is Matthew 6:26: "Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?"

This bible verse comes to my mind often, especially when sitting in my yard and either watching the birds or listening to their sweet song.  This past year, I learned a lot about the wren after receiving a wren house from my Mom (bird watcher extraordinaire).   This wren house is shown in the photo above and is the main character of this blog post.

I also became very interested in birds, and their behavior, after watching a film on Netflix - here is a clip that I think you'll find fascinating:

Netflix on YouTube

This past Spring, Nebraska was hit with an incredible wind storm with gusts up to 95 mph (we don't get much press about our storms since storms are pretty much the norm).  It came upon us rather quickly with no time to prepare.  These winds were the worst I've ever experienced and...

my wren house was full of baby wrens. As you can see by the photo, fences were knocked down, large pine trees fell and branches thrown as if they were weightless.  During that time this little wren house was moving back and forth like a pendulum.  I was just waiting for it to launch and knew the I was afraid of the outcome.  As the rain beat so hard against my window, I was no longer able to see the wren house through the downpour of rain.  It was then that this bible verse came to mind.

As the storm weakened, my mission was to get to the backyard and see where the wren house landed and how the baby wrens and momma wren faired during the storm.  Again, referring to the photo above, the fence and huge downed tree in my neighbor's yard shows the storm's aftermath. To my amazement, the wren house hung beautifully on the tree limb just as it did prior to the storm - but, there was nothing but silence.

First thing in the morning, before assessing damage or even having a cup of coffee, I ventured outside.  As if on que, Momma Wren flew to the opening of her house, and her babies sang with delight.  It's at that moment I grabbed my phone and snapped this photo.  There was no way I was going to forget this storm or its lesson.  God does take care of the birds and certainly will take care of me.

I know this is going to sound like an embellishment to this story, but it is the truth.  Later that day, Momma Wren taught her baby wrens to fly!  After the night they had, it was apparent they were ready to move on out! 







Never Underestimate The Power of a Simple Gift - Christian Gifts for Women

Never Underestimate The Power of a Simple Gift  - Christian Gifts for Women
Sometimes the smallest Christian gifts for woman is the most treasured.  These books, given to me by my Grandmother and Aunt, are some of my most treasured.

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How to Say I'm Sorry for Your Loss

How to Say I'm Sorry for Your Loss

I'm sure we all have seen posts about the loss of a loved one.  Usually these posts have comments including a very popular "I'm Sorry for Your Loss".  Many empathetic friends don't know what else to say.  I have to admit, I cringe a little when I see those words.  Here is why:

To me, I'm Sorry for Your Loss quotes by well-meaning friends and family needs to be revisited since it is one the most quoted sympathy sayings. As a common comment, it just doesn't convey concern or comfort to the griever at all.  It's almost the polite and required comment for loss of a loved one. 

Perhaps just taking it one step further will add a more personal touch.  How about, "I'm sorry for the loss of your (xxx)"?  This would be one example of revising the "I'm Sorry for Your Loss" popular quote.  Let's change social media condolences moving forward and truly try to send comfort, compassion, sympathy and concern.

More "I'm Sorry for Your Loss" Quotes for social media comments:

  • I'm sorry for the loss of your (xxx).
  • My heart aches to hear this new concerning the loss of your (xxx).
  • Remembering you and (xxx) today and always.
  • Someone so special can never be forgotten. (xxx) will be forever in our hearts.
  • Sharing in your sorrow with love and friendship.
  • May you find comfort in your memories of (xxx).
  • I am thinking of you and sending a warm hug.
  • Our hearts go out to you in your time of sorrow.

Please understand, the above are examples of social media comments that are a bit more personal than "I'm sorry for your loss."  It goes without saying, if the grief is great for you as well, or if the post's author is immediate family or a special friend, express your feelings with a more personal note (more on that soon).



Grief Support During Pandemic

Grief Support During Pandemic

During this COVID-19 pandemic, everyone has something specific on their minds.  Browse through any social media channel, and it becomes apparent what your friends have on their mind.  Many of my friends seem to be concerned with getting masks to those in need.  I've seen many concerned with the elderly in nursing homes.  Others are focusing on statistics, finding humor during these difficult times, or are simply bored and posting to give themselves something to do. 

For me, I can't stop thinking about those dealing with grief and mourning and in desperate need of grief support.  Memorial services, celebrations of lives, and funerals have quarantine restrictions.  I wanted to find a way for those grieving loss during the pandemic's quarantine to discretely proclaim "I am grieving and I need my friends".

An easy way for them to do that is to simply change their Facebook timeline cover. It will acknowledge grief and mourning, start conversations, and hopefully will start the grieving process.

I would love the opportunity to create memorial timeline covers for those who are grieving due to loss during this pandemic.  I will find the time to make as many as possible.

Here's how you can get your free memorial timeline cover:

First, e-mail your photo and the quote you would like on the timeline cover to:  Remember, this is only for those who have lost a loved one during the pandemic and were not able to grieve socially.

Then, please visit our Facebook page at and be sure to "like" the page as I will be posting your finished timeline cover on that page and tagging you when it is complete.

PLEASE NOTE:  This is only for those grieving who were NOT able to hold any type of normal service (more than 10 people) due to the quarantine & restrictions.  

That is it!  I hope this will, even in the smallest of ways, help you during your time of grief.

- Deb / Handmade By Remember Me

*Please do not hesitate to reach out if you are having difficulty getting your timeline cover posted on your page.


The Loneliest Walk

The Loneliest Walk
Walking alone when dealing with grief.

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Who Is Stealing Your Jolly?

Who Is Stealing Your Jolly?
... whether you are jolly or have joy, please share with the rest of the world. #IAMJOLLY #IHAVEJOY

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Missing Mom on Mother's Day I miss my child mother's day
"Mother's Day" - when you hear someone or read something with those words, how do you feel?  Lucky are those who can celebrate that day with both their children and their Moms.  But, this widely celebrated and publicized day evokes so many emotions to those dealing with the loss of a child or their Mom.  What do you do on Mother's Day when you'd rather stay in bed until this day is over.

Here are a few ideas...

One of the most common ideas is to visit a cemetery or memorial location.  Some common ideas include:

- Placing Flowers
- Releasing Balloons
- Decorating the grave site with Memorial Stones, Flags, Etc.
- Praying and Meditating Quietly
- Reflect with family and friends: Share stories, read scripture, pray and reflect together.

Here are some of my favorite ideas:

Create a scrapbook:   How therapeutic would this be?  Visit a craft store and find stickers, special paper, and cutouts that remind you of your Mom or Child.  Be sure to pick up some blank decorate paper to add special notes in your scrapbook.  Dig out your favorite photos and memories.  Sit down with a cup of tea and tackle this project with laughter and tears.  Then, you are left with a beautiful and sentimental memorial scrapbook.

Write A Letter:  Release your emotions with a letter to your Mom or Child.  Share you feelings, updates on your life, or write what you miss about your Mom or Child. This can also be therapeutic and make you feel closer to your loved one and find peace.  

Create A Memorial Garden:  With Mother's Day comes Spring!  Plant a memorial garden and contribute to it every year.  Start small with some of your favorite flowers .
memorial garden ideas

As the years progress, you can add items like memorial wind chimes, memorial garden stones, trees and markers.

memorial garden ideas

Simply Reflect at Home After the Loss of a Mother:  Do you have one of your Mom's favorite recipes?  Do you have special memories of certain songs she played?  What about a favorite sent or candle she burned?  You can do some baking, play music and/or light a special scented candle remembering your Mom and celebrating the memories she left behind.

Self Care After the Loss of a Child:  Pamper yourself.  Get a manicure or pedicure. Plan a massage. Read your favorite book. Take a bath.  Most important, do what makes you happy, not what you "think" you should do.

My thoughts go out to all Mothers, all Daughters missing their Mothers, and those Mothers missing their Child on Mother's Day.  Plan ahead and find something to do so this day doesn't catch you by surprise.  Remember, your friends and family want to help and be there for you.  Reach out...
Warmest Regards,